

C.1. Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation policy in Greece – Review of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy and the Regional Adaptation Action Plans

C1.D1: 14 monitoring reports, one for each of the 13 Regions of Greece and 1 at national level informed by the consolidated outcomes of the 1st M&E cycle (M 48)

C1.D2: 14 monitoring reports, one for each of the 13 Regions of Greece and 1 at national level informed by the consolidated outcomes of the 2nd M&E cycle (M 72)

C1.D3: Updated Climate Change Impacts and Regional/Sectoral Vulnerability assessments for Greece (M 72)

C1.D4: Catalyse adaptation action at national level report (M 72)

C1.D5: Consolidated report on the evaluation of the RAAPs and of the NAS (M 78)

C1.D6: Review of the Greek National Adaptation Strategy (M 78)

C1.D7: Revised Greek National Adaptation Strategy (M 90)

C1.D8: Thirteen Terms of Reference (1 for each region) for the review of the RAAPs (M 90)

C1.D9: Institutionalisation of the revised Greek NAS (M 96)


C.2. Implementation of pilot CCA actions in 3 Regions

C2.D1: Report on tenders for all awarded studies (M 34)

C2.D2: 1st, 2nd and 3rd report on “Monitoring of sea level rise in selected Ionian Islands beaches” (M 47, 72 and 93 respectively)

C2.D3: “Forest fire prevention in Peristeri and Geraki areas, Municipality of Ilida” study (M 50)

C2.D4: “River bed formulation in Asopos river” study (M 51)

C2.D5: “River bed formulation in Sarantaporos stream” study (M 51)

C2.D6 “Inahos river delineation” study (M 60)

C2.D7: “Complementary Funding of Regional Adaptation projects-The experience of LIFE-IP AdaptInGR” report (M 84)

C2.D8: “Implementation, demonstration and evaluation of Adaptation measures in LIFE-IP AdaptInGR regions" report (M 93)


C.3. Implementation of pilot CCA actions in 5 municipalities

C3.D1: Municipalities tenders bulletins report (M 34)

C3.D2: Rhodes island coastal engineering studies (M 54)

C3.D3: Coastal risks assessment and management plan for the coastal zone of Rhodes island (M 70)

C3.D4: Technical engineering study regarding the development of an advanced hydraulic system of managing rainwater in Gerovouno area  (M 60)

C3.D5: Technical study on the use of the collected rainwater in the ‘Antonis Tritsis’ park (M 75)

C3.D6: ‘Implementation, demonstration and evaluation of Adaptation measures in LIFE-IP AdaptInGR municipalities’ report (M 84)


C.4: Development of pilot assessments and adaptation guidelines for landscapes, land uses and archaeological-historic sites

C4.D1: Compilation of reports, one report for each pilot case study , presenting an integrated assessment of climate change impacts at the landscape level and evaluating the effectiveness of adaptation measures proposed in the RAAPs (M 72)

C4.D2: One report providing guidelines for landscape adaptation in Greece and recommendations for areas with similar landscape typologies (M 75)

C4.D3: One report providing recommendations about the specifications of spatial plans (local, urban, regional scale) to facilitate the adaptation of land uses and productive activities in Greece (M 84)

C4.D4: Five reports, one for each cultural heritage case study, presenting an integrated assessment of climate change impacts along with the proposal of specific adaptation measures (M 72)
C4.D5: One report providing guidelines for climate change adaptation concerning cultural heritage of Greece and recommendations for areas with similar regional and cultural typologies (M 87)


C.5: Analysis of synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, in view of the 2050 long-term low emission strategy

C5.D1: Analysis of synergies and trade-offs between the 2050 Long-term Zero Emission Strategy of Greece and the National Adaptation Strategy covering all economic sectors and exploring climate change impacts and synergies with adaptation measures (M 48)


C.6: Capacity building for adaptation implementation and mainstreaming at national, regional and local level

C6.D1: Strategy for Capacity Building Workshops (M 24)

C6.D2: Supporting material of the 1st set of Regional Capacity building workshops (presentations, agendas, lists of participants, photographs, supportive material (i.e.Layman reports of relevant on-going/completed projects etc.)) (M 48)

C6.D3: Supporting material for the 2nd set of regional Capacity building workshops (presentations, agendas, lists of participants, photographs, supportive material (i.e.Layman reports of relevant on-going/completed projects etc.)) (M 72)

C6.D4: Supporting material of the national capacity building workshops (M 93)


C.7. Development and operation of the Greek national adaptation hub

C7.D1: Technical implementation plan and specifications for the National Adaptation Hub (M 12)

C7.D2: Operational prototype of the National Adaptation Hub (M 30)

C7.D3: Documentation of the National Adaptation Hub system (M 30)

C7.D4: Report on the Beta release of the National Adaptation Hub (M 40)

C7.D5: Report on the Second release of the National Adaptation Hub (M 60)

C7.D6: Report on the Final release of the National Adaptation Hub (M 72)

C7.D7: Performance evaluation report of the Hub Services (M 96)

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The Ministry of Environment & Energy

General Directorate for Environmental Policy
Climate Change & Air Quality Directorate

Climate Change Department

Address: 147 Patission Str., 112 51, Athens, Greece

Tel.: 210.8643.015
