Green Fund (GRFU)
The establishment of the Green Fund (Law 3889/2010) allows a wide distribution of funds (coming from environmental taxes, fees for environmental damage, auctioning of EU ETS allowances etc.) to targeted environmental conservation programmes. Green Fund’s objective is to stimulate sustainable development through environmental protection and conservation by providing administrative, economic, technical and financial support for programmes, measures and interventions aiming at improving and restoring the environment and combating climate change, as well at supporting the environmental policy of the country and serving the public and social interest through the administration, management and utilisation of its resources. Practically, the Green Fund financing represents the only national funds devoted to the environment during the last years.
Since 2016, the Green Fund has participated in six (6) LIFE projects, including two LIFE integrated projects for the National Prioritised Action Framework for Natura 2000 and the National Adaptation Strategy (LIFE-IP 4 NATURA and LIFE-IP AdaptInGR projects respectively).
With regard to LIFE-IP AdaptInGR, the Green Fund leads the project capacity building activities that seek to increase the capabilities of national, regional and local authorities’ personnel to interpret adaptation, integrate climate risk into project design and implement adaptation measures and policies. In addition, the Green Fund leads the monitoring, prioritising and levering of available funds to enable full enforcement of the National Adaptation Strategy and the Regional Adaptation Action Plans (i.e. complementary adaptation funding). The Green Fund actively involves in the majority of the project actions and provides €2.4 million funds to public sector project beneficiaries.
Contact person for LIFE-IP AdaptInGR:
Spyridoula Ntemiri
LIFE-IP AdaptInGR Project Manager for Green Fund