Article 43 of Law 4414/2016 (GG Α΄149/2016) requires the 13 Regional Authorities of Greece to develop and implement Regional Adaptation Action Plans (RAAPs) and sets the minimum technical specifications for RAAPs content. The RAAPs content has been further elaborated by Ministerial Decision (MD) 11258/2017 (GG, issue B, 873/2017), which provides the detailed specifications for the content of the RAAPs.
The MD requires Regional Authorities to perform multi-sectoral climate impact and vulnerability assessments. The climate risks and impacts identified by sector and geographical area will drive decision making and adaptation action planning at regional level.
Each RAAP will examine the potential measures/actions included in the NAS based on the particular regional circumstances, priorities and needs and will develop regional action plans. Wherever there is a case for sector or sub-regional analysis, specific actions per sector or sub-regional area will be indicated.
The adaptation actions per sector or geographical area will be prioritised based on cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses. The effectiveness of actions corresponds to their climate change prevention, mitigation and restoration capacity (in order of priority). The wider economic, environmental and social benefits arising from their implementation are considered in order to focus on ‘win-win’ and ‘no-regret’ actions. Stakeholders will also be involved in the selection of adaptation actions through public consultation processes.
The development of the 13 RAAPs is ongoing with several RAAP studies already finalised. However, up to date, no RAAP has been endorsed. It is expected that the majority of the RAAPs will have been endorsed by the respective Regional Councils by the end of 2019.
The RAAPs will be subject to evaluation and revision at least once every seven years, respectively.
Pursuant to article 43 of Law 4414/2016 (GG Α΄149/2016), the RAAPs are reviewed at least once every seven years and revised if appropriate or necessary. In short, the RAAPs’ review may start in 2026. In addition, the article 44 of Law 4414/2016 (GG Α΄149/2016) requires the National Climate Change Adaptation Committee (NCCAC) to be consulted for RAAPs’ revision.