EU Funding Alert: New calls for financing adaptation actions within the framework of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation

EU Funding Alert: New calls for financing adaptation actions within the framework of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation

Author: adaptivegreece adaptivegreece/Monday, January 15, 2024/Categories: News

In the framework of the actions of the LIFE-IP AdaptInGR Project, to support adaptation to climate change at the local and regional level, we inform you of two new calls that have been made public recently and concern the financing of adaptation actions at the local level within the framework of the EU Mission on Climate Adaptation.

These are invitations published in the framework of the funded European projects CLIMAAX (CLIMate risk and vulnerability Assessment framework and toolboX) and Pathways2Resilience, for the implementation of adaptation projects at regional and/or local level.

The attachment "CLIMAAX-P2R calls_ adaptation projects" lists the basic information of the calls together with links to the relevant call documents.

In addition, the two programs have planned the following informational events (webinars) which you can attend for more information:

For the CLIMAAX invitation:

January 16, 2024

February 13, 2024

Event times and links have not yet been announced.

For the Pathways2Resilience invitation:

11 January 2024 at 14.00 (GT)

17 January 2024 at 14.00 (GT)

For more information here is the Pathways2Resilience call link: https://www.pathways2resilience.eu/first-open-call/

In addition, here you can find the very useful material from the training session held within the REGILIENCE project, where these two invitations were presented by the project managers: https://regilience.eu/financial-support-for -regional-adaptation-third-resilience-open-training-session/

Finally, for those who are interested, but do not have the time to submit a proposal at this stage, we would like to inform you that the 2nd round of invitations for these programs will follow afterwards.


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